Special interest section because I can! .

But first off for those who don't know what is a special interest? Special interests are something someone who is autistic has an intense focus and enjoyment of a specific thing or task. .

Think hobby on steroids! Special interests often get intertwined in our daily life in one way or another, be that listening to music or videos regarding it or just interacting with that interest on a daily level. Special interests are different from hyper fixations in that special interests last a lot longer time years, to lifetimes, while hyper fixations last a lot shorter period. .

So now that definitions are out of the way what are mine? And why does it matter for this site? Well, it matters for this site because most of my projects are going to interact with my special interests in one way or another!

Animatronics and Themeparks: My interest in animatronics started in 2014 when I was 13, with the release of FNAF. It quickly became one of my favorite media and as I got older my interest in it evolved from just FNAF to animatronics and theme parks in general. Especially the idea of creepy or haunted ones. This interest has been with me for 8 years (almost half my life)

Mythology: I don't know when this one started! I've just always had a fascination with mythology, be that traditional mythology or urban legends! Sometimes I waiver to specific parts of mythology like I'll be really into ghosts one week and dragons the next, but a general love of mythology is always consistent.

My Characters/writing/art: This is another one I can't pinpoint a start to. I've been drawing and making characters and lore since I could hold a crayon. I still have a lot of my old characters and still cherish them. My love of my characters got me interested in game development, where I now plan to create some of my stories into games for other people to hopefully enjoy! My writing and characters are kind of a funny in-between of all my other special interests, as most of my stories and characters evolve around mythology and robotics.

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